Language proof and logic world 3.15
Language proof and logic world 3.15

language proof and logic world 3.15

Of the many bug-fixes in this release, some notable fixes include: The performance load of this was not very large since the decryption function is memoized, but caching results isn’t free and it still resulted in running a lot of code that didn’t need to run, and running it often. Previously the app could request decryption, potentially multiple times in the same second. Somewhere on the fence between “optimization” and “bug fix,” we’ve refined the desktop editor’s logic to avoid attempting to decrypt the currently opened note anew when nothing had changed to make that necessary.Fixes apostrophes inside of parentheses were wrongly being duplicated.Shows resize handle for notelist even when notelist is collapsed.A reminder firing will no longer modify the note’s updatedAt time.Adds back/forward and undo/redo options to the context menu.Holding down the mouse on the +/- buttons to adjust snooze times will now auto-increment/decrement.Greatly improves performance of experimental “Omnibox Bypass” feature.Major rewrites of desktop-specific code for an easy path to further security improvements – like removing Electron’s remote module and implementing its context isolation mode.Starts tracking local-only usage statistics to implement sorting notes by frecency.Recollectr will try to find the best matching tag, or offer you the option to create a new one. Linking to an existing tag and creating a new one work the same way, just type a # followed by a string of letters/numbers/underscores. In this database we’ve got a bunch of fruits, vegetables, and nuts (and drupes, which we call nuts/fruits because… okay we’re getting sidetracked…) It’s simplistic, but creating robust, interlinking demo databases is shockingly time-consuming. We quickly threw together a demo database to show off the new tagging functionality. To quote Alastair Reynolds, “A wall is also a prison.” In the future tags will help Recollectr itself to infer relationships between your notes without creating these artificial barriers.

language proof and logic world 3.15

In contrast, folders, and especially folders of folders, build walls around your knowledge. This is akin to how thoughts naturally develop in the mind. They enable you to quickly call to mind a word to find what you’re looking for, and to jump to related items. Tags are best thought of as like synonyms that link together various ideas, not as folders.

language proof and logic world 3.15

In stark contrast to many other solutions, Recollectr takes an anti-hierarchical approach, and our approach to tagging is no different. With Recollectr 3.15 you’ll be ready to get tagging right away, but this is a big undertaking that will require a few releases to fully realize the superpowered features we have planned. It’s the first step towards Recollectr as a knowledge base where tags are treated as first-class citizens. This release is the World 1-1 of tagging, if you will. Tagging is a premium feature – but if you’re not a premium user, there’s plenty of improvements here for you too! Hashtags as bidirectional superlinks Only now are we finally getting to develop in that direction and implement our vision of how we think tags should work. There is a good explanation here as to why anti cheat generally is always at a disadvantage: - note: That information is partially outdated, particularly since the newest generation of aimbots don't even touch the game files anymore.Tagging is something we’ve been thinking about for years – since even before our first public release. While EAC is good against the cheap cheats, it fails against most high-end cheats. In the comp scene we know of at least 2 clans that definitely have cheating members. A good wallhacker does not look at the enemy through walls, but he will play in a style where he will be "coincidentally" covering that corner while pretending just to cover that direction. You are anyways predominantly talking about rage hackers (people blatantly using cheats) - while most good cheats are actually setup to be as difficult to detect (from gameplay footage) as possible. In my 2000h I have encountered more than a dozen confirmed cheaters and I have actually seen footage of a wallhacker observed through admin cam (incidentally killing me lol). They can though subscribe to a community ban list. Heck, even the admin cam is only a freecam and you can't see first person view of a player - not to mention that cheats can detect it and actually also see where it currently is, since it is an actual object (facepalm).Īdditionally, there is no global report system - each server admin is responsible for taking care of cheaters for their own server. The biggest problem with SQUAD & Post Scriptum is, that there is no killcam, no replays, pretty much nothing that could help you as the player to check if you were killed legit or not.

Language proof and logic world 3.15